mandag 29. september 2008

Dark night wander

You say you've lost faith
And that's what been giving me it
Thoughts of it has kept me up
All night, I've twisted my wit

I couldn't sleep because of you
My heavy head
Astray on a path you've lead.

I think I can help you
I can cure your doubt and wrath
If you'd only turn back and look at me
Instead of leading on forward the path.

The gravel under my feet
The rocky tracks
Is tearing me soar
I'm trying to find my lacks

Forest night
The dark is blinding
But I'm listening to your footsteps
On this path so winding

You've kept me up.
I believe I can help you.
I'm puzzling out where to go
And I really want to.

fredag 26. september 2008


Plutselig møte deg
Ingen grunn
Men jeg tenkte på deg
Også var du der
Som om et eller annet ville --
Hjelpe meg, der var du!

fredag 12. september 2008

Ny spilleliste

Nå har jeg lagt litt inn helt ny musikk her for deg å digge til mens du eventuelt leser diktene mine (kanskje du bare trenger noe å høre på?). Det meste på denne spillelisten er litt rolig musikk, ettersom jeg liker å komme innom her om jeg ikke får sove.

nattinatt :)

mandag 8. september 2008

Flere sider til forskjellige tider

Som en løk
Ut av kjøkkenet hun føk
Opp i et tre av bøk
På grunn av en gjøk

-Beklager! Beklager!
-Hva er det de behager?
-Vi står med tomme mager
Og barna hyler og klager.

-Og hva skal så jeg med det?
Han var et ekte fe.
"En gjøk" måtte hun le.
"Kjære kone, må jeg be?"

Hun klatret ned og over hagegjerdet
Hun var alt en kvinne burde være
Alt det en man kunne begjære
Som en løk, hennes lag han måtte lære.

lørdag 6. september 2008

Worry Doll

you cry and plee
everytime you feel bad
you run to me
as if I'm the one you never had.

'cause you can't rely on others like you can on me
the ones who's supposed to be closer to you than I
there's something they don't get, I know who to be.
that's why it's to me you complain and cry.

but what if this shoulder's got burdens too?
sometimes your cries tips the weight so I fall
I can't always be here for you
I can't always be your worry doll

the one you come to, in agony you crawl
picking me down from your toy shelf
telling of your misery and all
all that's about you and yourself

a painted face, open eyes
to embrace all your mutters
while you choke all my tries
to say how I feel in utters

porcelain skin is indeed cold white
and your shaking hands has kept me warm
of course I'd do what I know is right
I don't want you to feel any harm

but now that I'm crumbling under all your weight
my exterior's starting to crack
and I can no longer wait
to explain you your personal lack

you need to stop and listen with care
to others than your own concerns and trouble
you need to become more aware
that you're giving me worries the double

I need to break out of this porcelain shell
and act on my own stake
'cause lately I'm not feeling well
but now I'm starting to awake