onsdag 30. juni 2010


Kom nærmere
Du kan aldri komme nær nok
Selv når jeg puster deg inn og fyller lungene
Er du ikke nær nok

Selv når jeg fyller hvert hjørne av kroppen med deg
Er du ikke nær nok

Selv når jeg strekker hvert ledd ut av plass
For å rekke utover deg
Og romme deg
Som et hylster
En boks
En kiste
Er du ikke nær nok

Jeg vil låse igjen boksen
Nagle fast kisten
Og romme deg i et evig øyeblikk

Jeg vil ha deg der til du støver ned
Og smuldrer opp
Og alt igjen er knokler og bein

Bein som vil skrangle mot min hard overflate
For hvert skritt jeg tar
Lengre og lengre unna
Dette øyeblikket jeg fanget deg
Hadde deg

For hvert skritt lengre bort
Desto hardere vil det slå
Mot mitt kalde karosseri av stål
Som dekker det hule indre

Take a shot

I'd like a fresh piece of your mind today
To chew on for the rest of my evening
To have and to savor
With the sour flavour
Oh, how I'd like a piece of your thoughts

'Cause I know how it'd satisfy
And shut the silence upon our lips
For minutes to pass
Through an hourglass
With gritty grains of bitterness

I know you'd like it, too
I've already gotten a taste
Mouth half-closed, seeping out
Unlikely for you to scream and shout
Still, you're crying at me anyway

Sobbing, weeping silent
With hatefull, blaming looks
That turns into comments of resent
Yet, I don't repent
For something I know's wrong

I'd like a pulsing chunk of your mind today
To chew and dribble on
And eventually choke
On your heart that's broke
And let the venom spread through

Let it pour and flow
And run into my system
Unclog the fat carelessness in my veins
Then shoot straight to my brains
I'll be changed

I'll pass out
By this sudden rush
Be gone, asleep
While you reep
The rest of my mind with your troubles

When I wake up
I'll be changed
With your sturdy tears
And constant fears
Inplantet in my being

You'll be all that I'm seeing.

mandag 28. juni 2010

He couldn't say.

I've seen the bad
Felt the cold
I've walked the plank
And touched the spikes

More than once
Have my fingers played
Across the sharp edge
Of a beating weapon

It's been shoved in my face
Tempted me to commit
Evident mistakes
That I'm affraid to admit

I've been lured
To recieve many a kick
I've been "cured"
Later to discover the trick

Now, luck's walked in on me
By simple interferring
And grabbed me by the neck
And the wrongs are disappearing

How do you do-
How do you-
How do you do-
How do you?

onsdag 16. juni 2010

The liberator

He's a liberator
Mother nature's precious son
Cradled in her earthly womb
To him they all run

Craving for him
Yielding to him

With a dewed crown
He's a king
Gilded by the autumn
And he wears a wooden ring

Signs of the royalty
He's achieved for his gift
He'll take you up in his palace
And make your world shift

What's been unseen
Will be cleared
What's been outrageous
Will be dared

Turn the path
Let yourself be taken
It's nature calling
If I'm not mistaken

Trust your instinct
The assurence, the instinct

Return to everyday living
With a sting in your heart
And a sigh in your chest
You've been struck by a lovedart

And you'll never find rest

søndag 13. juni 2010

heart of the forest

buried deep in the heart of a forest
under crispy leaves,
damp moss
and black dirt
there lies a heart
beating, blood red

It's veins seeps into the roots of the trees
making them sway to an unexisting gust
making their bark pop, and sheeding their seeds
onto the ground that eats it up

and feeds it
the heart that pounds
the very core of the nature that is
existing, simply, untamely existing

onsdag 9. juni 2010


Frykten tar over
Og jeg kan ikke rikkes
Dog noen forsikrer og lover
Trygghet, og alt mer til

Men å stole på noe ukjent
Å ta det første skritt
Er hardere enn den skuffelsen
Jeg tar for gitt

Vis vei med brødsmuler
Eller med gullkorn
Lokk meg med eksotiske dyr og fugler
Eller et grønnere gress

Gå over til makt
Hal og dra
Kanskje du først
Oppnår noe da

For frivillig går jeg ikke
Dumt, jeg innser det selv
For frykten vil ei rikke
Jeg står her fra morgen til kveld

mandag 7. juni 2010

love the sound of you walking away

"Det finnes ingen ny sjanse for en kjærlighet du kan så lett gi opp,"
Hun sa det i det han steg opp
Som hun lengtet etter å berøre hans kropp

Men hodet hennes satte stopp

Han hadde ikke forventet stort

Men et håp hadde grodd i hans hjerte

Om han innså hva han hadde gjort

Ville han kanskje forstå hennes smerte

Et slag i magen

Et blått øye, bankende

Hadde vært bedre enn den dagen

Avskjeden kom vankende

Hun strakk fingre etter fliken av ruteskjorte

Et kort glimps av glemsel

Trakk seg tilbake før hun skjønte hun hadde gjort det
De vonde minnene lekte gjemsel

Det går ikke å leve to, når en gir og den andre tar

På tide å snu og gå motsatt vei
Legg bak deg det som var

Det er for det beste, tro du meg

søndag 6. juni 2010


Hung up by a wire

It’s seeping through her pores

This insatiable desire

Dripping all over the floors

Curiosity has taken over

Puncturing her skin

Looking for a lover

Pouring herself more gin

The pleasure is all mine

He'll say and kiss

Her hand so soft and fine

In his dirty, rough fist

The bar's been serving

For way too long

The sence's now unnerving

And they're stating things wrong

She only wants a feeling

Perhaps a retaliated sensation

Don't even know who she's dealing

On course of her own negation

(to him she's just an oblation)

So she ends up with dead-zero

By the break of a new day

And the man she saw as a hero

Is now no more where he'd lay

Sucker, you'd think

And some might say, you're right

'Cause what lures behind a smile and a wink

Is something opposite at such a night